Donate for Poor Muslim Families in Bangladesh!
We collect donation and send it to needy Muslim families in Bangladesh whom we personally knows. In additional to it we are expanding it to Rohinga Muslim Families who are oppressed to flee from their country.
We have our own profession, every Penney of your donation will be send to the needy families. We do not charge any fees whether it is administrative or transportation neither we take any stipends (may only includes payment processing fees or transaction fees); We are also donor like you (just trying to expand hand towards them), and this is a voluntary work toward poor and needy Muslim families in Bangladesh including Rohinga Muslim Families. We only seek rewards from Allah and this is completely for the sake of this precious deen which Allah has sent down for mankind.
Current Causes
Only send your donation if you know us or recommended by people who know us. Remember, We are not an charity organization, mainly a converted Muslim person with his trusted friends trying to expand supporting hand towards needy Muslim Families whom we know personally and informed by trusted individuals whom we know personally.
And also kindly do not ask us to donate poor families if you do not know us. Because We are so small in our capability to support mass people. Do it on your own along with able people you know. We have a small goal to support families effectively for long term to make them lead a less painful life.
Remember some projects can be single term to make a poor family Self-reliant. However, our priority is to help those families who do not have ability to become self reliant in real term so that they can lead a comfortable and respectful life and to prevent evildoers to exploit them (widow, mother, children, grandchildren)