Signs of Your Heart Is Sick or Not

From the Signs of the (Spiritual) Heart Being in a Good State

The state of the heart is most evident during the time of prayer. Salah is the daily test—a reflection of one’s faith and spiritual condition. How does one approach this Salah? Is it a delight to the eyes and a comfort to the heart, or is it a burden?

When the time for prayer comes, does the person eagerly anticipate it, or are they merely waiting for it to end? Do they say, “Comfort us with the prayer,” or do they instead say, “Comfort us by ending this prayer”?

Signs of a Healthy Heart

From the signs of the (spiritual) heart being in a good state are:

  • Loving when the time of prayer arrives.
  • Seeking comfort in Salah.
  • Having the heart attached to it.
  • Yearning for it and being happy when it comes.
  • Welcoming it and planning one’s time around it.

These are great indications that one’s heart is in a good state, and these signs manifest most clearly during the time of prayer.

This brings us to the words of Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله):

ومن علامات صحته: أنه إذا دخل فى الصلاة ذهب عنه همه وغمه بالدنيا، واشتد عليه خروجه منها، ووجد فيها راحته ونعيمه، وقرة عينه وسرور قلبه

“From the signs of its goodness is that when he enters Salah, his worries from the Dunya disappear. Leaving it is tough for him, while his heart is attached to it, comforted by it, delighted, and joyous in it.” 1

Salah: The Daily Exam

Salah is the daily exam that we repeat five times a day. It is a test of a person’s faith and devotion. As mentioned in a hadith:

“من حافظ عليها كانت له نورًا وبرهانًا ونجاةً يوم القيامة.”
“Whoever takes care of it (Salah) will have light, proof, and salvation on the Day of Resurrection.” 2

Salah is the proof of having Imaan (faith). Every time a slave of Allah grows in yearning for it and takes care of it, this is a clear indication of a good, sound heart.

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Signs of a Diseased Heart

On the other hand, if a person feels bored, lazy, or weary when Salah comes, or if they become angry when called to pray—especially if they have to wake up from sleep—then this is a clear sign of an unhealthy heart. It proves that the heart is afflicted with sickness and disease.

This article is based on one of the lecture of Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq Al-Badr.


  1. Ighathat al-Lahfan ↩︎
  2. Musnad Ahmad, 6576; Grade – Hasan ↩︎

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